Beware of Professional Sports Teams' Party Buses

Beware of Professional Sports Teams' Party Buses

Win or lose, professional athletes need to blow off steam. Whether they've played in the Stanley Cup finals, the World Series, the Super Bowl, PGA tours or NBA finals, there's no shortage of professional athletes looking for women to indulge them on party buses after the game. And we do not mean in long term monogamous relationships. These professional athletes may be rich and famous, but it does not mean they'll carry a healthy stash of condoms. They may be carrying something else.

We're not saying all professional athletes drive around cities across America in party buses, preying on attractive women. But some do and it's up to you to protect your sexual health. Of course getting drunk is a prerequisite for boarding many of these party buses. How else would any sane woman be lured into doing so? So the first and easiest way to protect your sexual health is to avoid excessive drinking so you can think clearly and make better decisions - like avoiding the party bus altogether. Carrying condoms in your purse is a good defense for those occasions when you decide that having sex with a professional athlete, whose sexual history includes hundreds of women from cities across America, is a good idea. Incidentally, this is not a good idea. This professional athlete could not possibly know the sexual histories of all those women. So you are sleeping with them too, exposed to any STD he may have contracted from any one of them. But he said he was STD free. If only you could trust him. The trouble is many STDs are asymptomatic, meaning they do not show any signs or symptoms. So your dreamy professional athlete could have an STD and not even know it. This is why STDs are spread so easily.

When you do not think you have an STD, you do not treat it. This can have damaging and sometimes deadly consequences. If left untreated, STDs like chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause infertility, HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) can cause anal and cervical cancers and advanced syphilis can cause damage to the brain, heart and other organs. Contracting genital herpes is a life sentence. The infected person will have the virus for the rest of their lives, unable to predict when they'll have another outbreak and unable to guarantee their partners will not get infected. Today contracting HIV / AIDs is still fatal.

Sadly, many single women and professional athletes across America are reluctant to get anonymous STD testing because they do not have a primary physician, they are afraid of an embarrassing doctor's office visit, they do not have health insurance or they do not want STD test results submitted to their health insurance company, especially if infidelity is involved. With anonymous STD testing, STD tests are conducted in a lab so you can avoid an embarrassing doctor's office visit. By paying for anonymous STD testing with a pre-paid credit card your test results are not submitted to your health insurance company. With anonymous STD testing your test results are only shared with you.

If you've partied with professional athletes in a party bus and had unprotected sex, anonymous STD testing is the only way you can know your STD status so you can get the treatment you need and further prevent the spread of STDs. Do not wait. Get tested.

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